(1) Prepare the Excel file according to the template and enter all the data required for your event. You will find the template in the CMS under the menu tab Help & Support

(2) Next, select an event and click on Import [Exhibitor] in the menu. Then click on Select file (Datei auswählen).

(3) In the next view you will be asked to upload the Excel file. If the upload was successful, click on Submit.

(4) Next, you will be shown how many new records will be added or whether records can be updated. If entries are to be overwritten, please check the box "Override Existing Entries? Also choose whether you want to import only the default language (in our example German) or a second language (here: English). Note: Translations can only be imported if the corresponding columns in the import table have been filled in. In our example we have imported only one language.

(5) After a successful import you will see the entered contents: