The XSS-Protection is a protection algorithm that scans certain words and could therefore be affected by the import.

Please make sure that the following words or phrases are not set in your Excel spreadsheet or other areas in the CMS (e.g. agenda items), so that the import does not cause any complications and the XXS-Protection is effective.

If settings cannot be saved or the Excel table cannot be uploaded, please check the following: 

1. The most common errors occur when these terms are used in conjunction with a parenthesis.

Example: system() as in Design System (DS)

Terms that lead to errors in connection with brackets:

  • alert
  • prompt
  • confirm
  • cmd
  • passthru
  • eval
  • exec
  • expression
  • system
  • fopen
  • fsockopen
  • file
  • file_get_contents
  • readfile
  • unlink

2. The second common source of errors are incorrectly entered links with missing tags or quotation marks